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Welcome to the ( W4CHR ) Chester Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( C A R E S ) Chester Amateur Radio Club website...

Thank You for stopping by...

Statement of Purpose:

To meet socially so as to advance the skills of Amateur Radio operators in preparation of applying technical and communications expertise for the good of our community.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Chester Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES) Chester Ham Club is to provide emergency communication services to the community; to assist other civic organizations; to promote the technical craft of amateur radio through training and testing; to mentor new members; and enhance fellowship among radio amateurs.

Our Primary Goals:

  • Prepare to support a potential emergency situation, by communicating plans and procedures to local Amateur Radio Operators via the CARES Club.
  • Train and prepare to use our network of technical resources to provide skilled operators, and emergency communications if the need was to arise.
  • Train and experiment with new modes of communications so that we may provide quality communications and ensure public safety.
  • In the event of a disaster or time of need, to assist and protect the citizens of our community by providing emergency communications

About Amateur Radio:

Ham radio, as it is often called, is a hobby. It is a non-commercial radio communication service whose primary aims is public service, technical training, experimenting with radio electronics, and the leisure communication between private persons. Ham operators are noted for providing communications in times of an emergency or disaster. Ham radio exists in nearly every country. This allows amateur radio operators to communicate internationally. In the United States, Amateur Radio is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. An amateur operator must hold a valid license, issued by the FCC or their countries local government.

C A R E S officers:

President, EchoLink /APRS Digipeater Trustee, W4CHR Webmaster, VE: Brian Timms - KW4BET

Vice President, Facebook Webmaster, VE: Bill Riegger - AA2IA

Secretary/Treasurer, W4CHR Repeater Trustee: Danny Carns - KC4DC

Equipment Trustee: Tony Helms - KG4NWC

VE Team: KW4BET - Brian, AA2IA - Bill and KG4NWE- Ross

Up and Coming Events

Thank You for helping make the 2024 Chester tailgate a success!!!

We all enjoyed the fellowship and as always seem to find something that we have been looking for... :)

We are looking forward to doing it again in 2025 Chester.

Please keep checking back for up-and-coming events

Next club meeting is Monday September 9th 7pm at our club house.

All are welcome. Come and see us.  


Please Keep Checking back for new up and coming events...


Club meetings:

CARES meets monthly on the second Monday of each month at 1900 (7 PM) except in December, (we have a family Christmas dinner in December). Meeting location is at the W4CHR Club House, 950 Davis Drive, Chester, SC  29706. Everyone is Welcome. Hope you will be able to join us for a meeting sometime. If you would like to become an amateur radio operator or need assistant, we will be glad to help you. To contact us please email, call Brian 803-374-9211 or use the Contact Us link on the last page of the website. We look forward in hearing from you.

-Interactive map: location of CARES Club House - 950 Davis Drive, Chester, SC 29706 -


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